“You have reached your destination!”

So this is what it feels like to have arrived. After years of preparation, going through the valleys and peaks of emotions, taking multiple detours through various experiences and dodging countless potholes along the way, I now feel like I have arrived where I had envisioned myself to be.

I wrote about transitioning to the Independent Parent phase in my prior blogs. That was my destination, for now. But have you ever had this experience where you know where you want to be, but don’t know what it would feel like to be there? Or perhaps when you get there you realize the feeling is so brand new! That’s what I am feeling now. Something brand new. A feeling of vastness with serene silence within me. Along with it a sense of calm resolve reminding me that now I can take new steps with new intentions in any direction I want. Choose wisely, says my inner guard.

I will plug in my next destination with several side paths along the way. The choices made up to this point were meant to build a persona. The choices I want to make available moving forward now are to maintain the integrity of that persona.

GPS coordinates: To infinity and beyond...




The Candy Store Feeling